I'm trying to kick this caffeine habit again and this time I get headaches. I don't think it'll work to well since I'll be working on a coffee cart selling yummy coffee beverages all summer. hmmm
I've decided that road tripping is SO MUCH BETTER than a plane ride. Such a better experience...though I feel like that's a given.
I don't think I'm going to go in any necessary order in illustrating Amy and my trip from Louisiana to Wyoming. I'm just going to ramble.
But first. This is the beginning. 5am in Louisiana:
There are so many stars in the sky here. It's really insane. You can even make out those really really really faint tiny ones then BAM you're knocked in the face with a bright big momma.
In Texas we saw fireflies! FIREFLIES! They just float around having light conversation. (badoomchh)
We got to watch them circle around our tent of great accomplishment. Tent building and knocking down is so much easier than I remember...So maybe it's not the greatest accomplishment if it was easy. hm.
Though, before we got to this point it was quite an adventure. We stopped to take a picture with some...boob flowers:
Texas is a place of...weird encounters. Also, if to me Florida is flat then Texas is bright. At a gas station surrounded by blackbirds we saw an old white haired woman wearing a floral mu-mu and 2 different shoes smoking a cigarette INSIDE the gas station. In walmart we saw a happy singing fluffy mullet man...Did I mention he had a fluffy mullet? Then on the way out there was a guy sitting in a gold van rocking out to some smooth jazz. He then proceeded to stop the music and yell aggressive fight words to a passing man strolling a buggy. When he was finished, the smooth jazz continued.
Oh, and I pretty much hate Dallas. bleah.
But Texas does have one great thing... CAMELS!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! camels.
We also experienced the CREEPINESS of land oil drills. SO scary looking. Just surreal to me...I dunno. They looked like worker ant slaves just continuously bobbing upppp annd dooowwn. This was pretty much perfectly synced with some Pink Floyd on the radio.
Oh yeah and I'd just like to re-mention that we saw CAMELS!
The landscape from Texas through Oklahoma to Colorado was pretty sweet. VERY FLAT, but it definitely had its magical moments. YELLOW fields, GREEN fields. It also fluctuated from muted and dull, to colorful and hilly plateau-y and red-dusty, but always sprinkled with cow. :)
There were also fields of gigantic windmills.
BUT THE COOLEST THING besides maybe the CAMELS in Texas would have to probably be the BRONTOSAURUS in Oklahoma.
Then after about 4,938,304 more miles of the flatness, we got to Fort Collins!!!
We got to hang out with Kris and Alysia!! AND I met three mighty fine goats. :) Colorado prettyyyy much kicks some ass.
Tex got a puppiccino
We had breakfast at this crazy awesome restaurant/music venue in the mountains called Mishawaka. That morning was probably the best. I understand now why they call it the rocky mountains. One of my favorite visual parts of the trip was picking out the spots in the landscape that looked like "deformations" or like the landscape had warts.
We then proceeded to drive through the mountains to Wyoming. That was probably the best drive. Especially when your breath is taken away by the first sighting of the snow tipped mountains.........
Once we got into the mountain valleys probably the most breath taking thing happened to me. Because we're so much higher up than Louisiana...the clouds here MAKE SHADOWS on the landscape. It was as though the clouds were "beings" or creatures themselves. I mean, you know that something is real and tangible because it can cast a shadow...and it's just completely .....yeah...that the enormous puffy monster clouds were casting humongous shadows all around and on top of us and that they were definable!
Then I saw llamas in Wy. Though....I'm curious as to if they were actually alpaca.....!
Rain is also a bit different here. The drops seem larger and more spread out. But maybe not.
AND THEN WE GOT TO GRAND TETON!! (ignore the leaving part..)
Then it stormed all the way to Moose.
So fare we've seen Antelope, Buffalo, Chipmunks, Colorful birdies, AND A BABY MOOSE!
But I didn't have my camera. So yeah.
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