The night sky here is pretty immaculate. I can't wait until the full moon.
It's very curious the way trees grow. Many of the trees in the mountains have a "J" shaped trunk. Sort of like a whale's tale. And these, all of the tiny branches stick out from the tree, reaching away from the mountain! I'm still convinced that all of those trees I see near telephone wires-- that grew around the wire then back over top of it again, making a "C" shape or an "O" shape, grew that way and were not cut that way. I think that even more so because of these mountain examples and because of those bulbous entities on tree branches. Ever saw those? I was told that it's because a wasp lays it's eggs in the branch then the TREE GROWS AROUND the eggs. CRAZY. I love trees.
Map Lichen :)
CLOUD SHADOWS! I found the perfect place to go cloud gazing. There's a trail near Dornan's called Blacktail and at the top of the first peak there's a great flat-ish area. Very nice. Great view. wiiith a rewarding hike.
mmmm more cloud shadows.
I loved the atmospheric perspective. It gets so BLUE and they seem to just disappear.
My favorite. I dedicate this one to Gbrill and Julia. :)
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