I meet very interesting people working at the coffee cart. My favorite is this guy named Michael. He has a gray beard and what seems like a great perspective on life. The other guy I met told me about The Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana. DIONOSAUUUUUUUUUUUUR MUSEUUUM. While it was definitely worth going to. It was a bit of a let down. No real constructed dinosaur skeletons...unfortunately. BUT a bunch of REAL dinosaur fossil fragments. Which was definitely awesome. So off we went to good ole Montana.
This guy is is probably the most primitive of all...
I just told him that dinosaur joke I know. He couldn't stop laughing. I knew he'd get it...
I took a good bit of closeup pictures. I like that it's almost unfamiliar. It forces you to look at the relationship between positive and negative. It's interesting.
This guy is my favorite. I think we're related. His wart virus is still alive in me.
I discovered something. I can't believe we've missed this the whole time. Dinosaurs had mustaches! Look at the pores on his upper lip. Those were the home of mustache hairs. I know it.
I wonder if my posts have different tones through out them because these days they've been completed in different sessions. I'm actually starting to get kind of bored with my posts because it feels like all I'm doing is posting pictures... But anyway WEEEEEEEEEEEE went back to the Prismatic Springs on the way back from Montana. ( I love how we just stopped on the way...like it's a gas station.) The sun was closer to setting this time. mmm
My favorite pictures are these textured ones. I like these more than the full mountain view. To me they are so much more interesting. I like their ambiguity. I know I stated something like this about the Triceratops but it seems to be true about everything and not just Ms Tri.
Originally I was going to combine my last few days off into one post. But I took WAY too many pictures to do that. SO I must divide them up by adventure.
Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point
The company::
So the animals have figured out that when a human comes around they might have a chance to stardom. A chance to be on billboards, post cards, and most probably, photo albums. And even if there is no camera, they just love the attention. Though, they have to maintain a certain amount of "wild-ness" and "nonchalant-ness" but unfortunately for them I can see through this pretend shield and see that all they're really doing is striking a pose. Modeling it up. Lusting for that stardom. I see you Mr. Marmot. I see you.
This life is a good one. A great one. Despite the more broad worldly things that bring me down when brought up, seeing these pictures below...such simple yet beautifully intricate designs of nature... makes me smile and makes me feel really good about here and now.
The trip to Yellowstone has been on of my best times here. I've seen pretty much the most bizarre, surreal, and completely magnificently beautiful things I've seen thus far in my life. All in greeaaat company. Good day.
The first stop: Preeettty awesome overlook. Apparently Yellowstone likes to have wild fires sometimes. About 22 years ago one swept through the area and took out a bunch of the trees. Now, all over, you see baby trees coming up in vast areas of dead gray tree bodies.
Waterfall uno: baby.
While visiting Mr. Old Faithful we took a short tour around the place while awaiting his arrival. THIS is what we saw... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:
ooooooh man this is great! Not sure what it is. Some sludgy stuff. So goood.
Can you say blue? Because uuuuuuh.... that is BLUEEEE. YES!
oooh yeah. he knew he was smelly...but lookin good.
Faithful's other visitors.
He told me he wanted to have a smoke before he busted out. He's a little shy at first.
Then BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Grand Prismatic Springs............................... you dont even know..
approaching. You see something like this and you KNOW it's going to be good.
mmm there's that baby vomit green that I love.
This happened natural. This happened NATURAL. THIS HAPPENED NATURAL
Is that... Roy G Biv I see?
Yup. That's Roy G Biv
I'm sorry but this is... so incredibly unbelievable that this is natural. And I love that I'm so in awe of it. It feels SO GREAT to be SO AMAZED.
Mmmmmista Bison.
Mista Elk
Waterfall Dos: senor medium
And now. Ladies and Gentleman. THE BEST PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It combines both WATERFALLS and COLORRRSS AHHHHH!!!!! I'm so excited about this. I'm DEFINITELY going back there.
The Lower Falls/Artist's Point/Grand Canyon of Yellowstone::
Do you see that? How on earth does one's mind soak that in?
mmmm so many textures. so many colors. SO INSPIRED
Look at that little geyser puffin.
My mind is pretty much blown. completely. But in retrospect it all makes sense that the earth produces these colors and in these patterns. Because at some point the the influence for the material and synthetic things that we are use to seeing with these colors and patterns were derived/influenced from the creators surroundings...earth. The material/inorganic things around us have color because they were dyed or painted and the dyes and paints are made from pigments [and atleast in the very beginning] these pigments came from crushed earth. EARTH. [now synthetic pigments can be made] So it shouldn't be so surprising to see this in the raw. But it is. and again, I loved being so surprised and in awe. and it'll be the same feeling next time. It's completely beautiful.