And today, while reading about the life of shibori in Japan I realized something important. It's already been stated and is an obvious fact that many people rebel against change. People try so hard to preserve the present that they hinder the futures possibilities. But finally, after a struggle, the change occurs and we move on. You live, you learn, and eventually you prosper. But the thing is, how do you think we got to the place of the present, without allowing the change and innovation to occur in the end? And also, it's interesting how most of the time we don't realize the greatness of what we have at present until its threatened to be taken away...or changed.
Today is great. It's windy and beautiful outside. I had a perfect muffin, egg, cheese, fruit, and tea breakfast on the most pleasant porch this morning with two of the greatest girls I know. Now I get to get ready to go to a job that makes me happy. This is great.
Something I also realized is that many people have a hard time truly admitting that they are happy and satisfied for fear that they believe they shouldn't be...or that it's wrong...or that they don't deserve to be...or that by admitting that they are happy things will immediately turn bad. And that's not true.
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