The BEST hike of the summer thus far.
bbbbesssstttttttttt hike.
so good.
so so good.
Let us embark on this journey together. mmmm :)
I'd like to start zoomed in. yum. And it smeeelllllsss SO great. Doesn't taste too great though.
web crust.
This guy is awesome. I've never seen condensation on fungi. It makes me happy. So I realized today while I was working in the gift shop that I call everything a he. "would you like him in a bag?" hmmmmmmmm
..................:O oooooooooooooooooh yaaaay!!!! Beautiful beautiful beautiful! It reminds me of crusty elbow skin. mm i love it!
I feel like there's a lot of stuff I want to say about these next pictures.... But it's so much that I don't know how to let it out. I'd rather let them just speak for themselves. Life here is overwhelming. Being so immersed in all of this made me want to really thank someone. It really gets me thinking. I'm always struck with that realization feeling. That feeling when I know that I'm all here and it's all here. Unfortunately though that feeling is both a blessing and a curse. When I realize it, that moment usually sticks in my memory, but as I'm realizing it, I also realize that time is going by and going away. That the "here and now reality" is forever fading.
Remember how I mentioned that Annie Dillard likes to have me relate to her. Well I just remembered something I read today.
"The terms are clear: if you want to live, you have to die; you cannot have mountains and creeks without space, and space is a beauty married to a blind man. The blind man is Freedom, or Time, and he does not go anywhere without his great dog Death."
So I guess that these particular moments are over. But I can always go back, and experience them anew. :) Thank you life...or should I say death.
So after this 16 mile hike, we stumbled deliriously into Pizza Hut, which magically appeared to Heather almost only because she wanted it so badly. We giggled delusionally and agreed that we had all bonded by this trek into the canyon. ate pizza. mountain ddddddddddew. then went to Shadow Mountain where we celebrated the 4th with the rest of Dornan's civilization. I woke up to this view from my tent door on the 5th:
Thank you.
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