Sunday, March 29, 2009

Surrounds me and never ending

Well I finally got the images of my color theory final all edited finished and uploaded (thanks to Gbrilla's help :D) (who also took the pictures for me)--which by the way was an interesting night. First we tried to set up this all black background and lights... which ended up being my comforter taped and stuck in and over the door with me standing on a stool. We grabbed everything we could find that was black to put behind me so that we'd get total blackness. Her desk lamp was somehow rigged over head and mine was off to the side with a grocery bag "diffuser" over it. It was interesting. But, what was more interesting is when we took the photoshoot outside...because everyone stopped to look. haha. It actually felt really good for people to stop and be amazed by how long it was. It was niiiiiccceeeee. Then after the documentation shots we some how got the idea for me to jump up...which I think Gabby suggested and got really excited about. I ended up jumping up and spinning around about fifty times. haha.

Our final was basically anything we wanted. or anything we wanted but somehow dealt with a "metaphor of the self."
Sooooo, I did a metaphor of my thoughts-my feelings-my emotions.


Back to what I was saying- I did a metaphor of everything that goes on through my head (which sometimes effects my entire being and body). My mind seems to NEVER stop thinking, analyzing, finding, searching, assuming, etc etc etc. all day. Even when I dream. It just never gets tired. I constructed a "scarf" that wraps around my neck-up above my ears and flows down. It is made up of different sections that flow in and out of each other. Each section deals with a particular emotion-thought-feeling which is expressed through both color and shape/pattern/manipulation of the fabric. I dyed some of my own fabric.... which is totally amazing to do (even though I kind of wrecked Kris's kitchen..sorryyyy) ((but I cleaned it after :D) I also made a loom to weave the bits that are weaved.. which was also awesome. I find that the process of weaving to be very therapeutic. uhhhhm
and thats that.
and here are some of the pictures. (I also learned how to put a panorama together on photoshop...Mr. PSD and I got pretty acquainted this weekend.)


Okay, so it looked WAY better before uploaded on the the internet. D: stupid conversions.

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  1. WOW!!!! I LOOOOOVE THIS!!!!!!!! wowowowow i want one!! <3*kelly*

  2. i looove these. that is an aweesome scarf?
