Every thing a person does in life counts. Every decision or indecision will have an effect. Indecision is just the decision to not decide.
I've learned a lot over the past few weeks. Not necessarily book facts, but life ..facts.
-There is no need to be intimidated or nervous to go to a new place. They will not eat you. (hopefully)
-Any new place visited or person met will be a learning experience, no matter what. So, do it.
-There is no need to stress over a project. It will only make the process more strenuous. So, no matter how difficult or tedious, make the best of it, and the time will go along much more smoothly and faster.
-Assumptions are never good.
-Don't 'beat around the bush'- say what you mean and mean what you say.
-Don't be continuously indecisive about something. Nothing needs to be analyzed to death.
-Leave "what if's" alone. They are no good, because you will never know. period.
-It's better to take a chance and fail, than to not take a chance and regret it.
I know these things, I'm still working on putting them in proper effect.
I read the Myth of Sisyphus analyzed by Albert Camus a while back and recently watched a youtube video of a guy analyzing Camus.
Myth of Sisyphys : Albert Camus Youtube its one of 4 videos btw.
While looking up just the basic myth of Sisyphus I found a couple of different versions of who he was.
For sure, he was the founder of Corinth.
Some say he was a vicious trickster who did dirty deeds. Some say he was just very cunning. At one point he was sent for by the god of the underworld, Hades, who brought with him handcuffs. Because he didn't want to...die, Sisyphus convinced Hades to demonstrate how the handcuffs worked on himself. Sisyphus locked Hades in his closet for a number of days and during this time, no one in the world could die. Soldiers were getting cut to pieces in battle, but were not dieing. Finally Hades was released and Sisyphus was sent for again. Sisyphus instructed his wife not to put a coin under his tongue as to get across the River Styx. Sisyphus persuaded Persephone, Queen of the Dead, to let him go back to earth to set things right with his wife. Persephone allowed him and instead of tending to his funeral dealings, he lived another few years on the earth.
Now, what Sisyphus is best known for is that he is the mortal that was condemned by the gods to roll a huge bolder up a mountain only to watch it fall back down, and roll it back up again, for all of eternity. He was forever condemned this "futile and hopeless labor"
I'm guessing what happened next happened while he was allowed to be on earth by Persephone, but I'm not sure. Zeus kidnapped Egina, the daughter of Esopus, and carried her of to Jupiter. Esopus went to Sisyphus with this news, and because Sisyphus knew the about the kidnapping, he traded this knowledge with Esopus on the condition that he fill the citadel of Cornith with water. Because Sisyphus gave away the secret of a god, he was condemned to that daunting task.
The whole point of my bringing all of this up is that Camus talks about the meaning of life.
"If this myth is tragic, that is because its hero is conscious. Where would his torture be, indeed, if at every step the hope of succeeding upheld him? The workman of today works everyday in his life at the same tasks, and his fate is no less absurd. But it is tragic only at the rare moments when it becomes conscious."
Basically.. I guess...If you go through life, thinking about life, and what is to become of you and why, without just living life, who are kind of doomed for misery. But, if you go through life with the best of intentions, and with some kind of goal for being happy and even doing miserable tasks with some kind of ...good outlook... then you will live a more pleasant life.
The meaning of life... is life itself. Does it really matter what is to come of us in the end? Because we don't know, why is that what people think of and dread so much? Instead, people should just worry about the moment, what is happening now... and live, because we have that, and we know that, and we are that.
Some of that was my own words, some of it was me remembering what the youtube man said about Camus's writings.
It's very possible that I come back to Sisyphus in a later entry. I just wanted to mention it.