It was BEAUTIFUL! Before we got to the beach the moon was glowing a gorgeous yellow. It was full and bright--mixed with the sound of the beach, lack of city lights, and wonderful people....ah :)
oh, and frozen toes and fingers.
Today I learned that the moon "rises" and "sets" everyday. hmmmm. [at a different time every day]
and something totally unrelated.
Fashion from Balenciaga
Simple, geometric. oooh and the detail by the underarms!
Beautiful white jacket, my favorite part is...well, my favorite parts are the single button and look at how that tapers down! with the large pockets! ah nice. I also like how the blouse clashes with the patterns on the jacket...and the accent of the gold buttons. Oh, and those pants. NICE pants.
I mean, Look at that detail. Look at that NECK.
Beautiful pattern on pattern, sturdy jacket on delicate lacy dress, and neck detail is again gorgeous.
OH MAN. My favorite. Just look at the shape of that dress--how that flows! and the detail of that lace! the play of opaque and transparent! ahhh beautiful!!!!
ah, same as the one above! except look at how that shoulder explodes in an elegant poof!
oh my gooodnesss DETAIL. ruffles-bunches-embroidery! the sway of the skirt! ah and how the jacket just grabs the form and claims it! :)
Fashion? Art. ah. SO much detail. SO form fitting. So beautiful. So elegant. So. amazing.
Odwalla smoothies. yum :)
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