The first is that I survived my second near death car accident. Thank you Mr. Cement Light Pole for not being in existence quite yet.
The second is the happiness totally poured on me at the State Radio concert by Gabby. I wish I had a picture of her bliss. It made me smile so big and feel so great. It made me so happy. It's hard to describe the feeling.
And the third is all this crazy artwork I stumbled on today. So it's kind of rated R so...just brace yourself.
I wasn't looking up anything risque at all. I was googling "snail" and came across this Australian artist of eroticism-Franz Von Bayros. (1886-1924)
I've always kind of had this image of our 'ancestors' as being these... pure minded people of some kind. Well not totally but, at least not necessarily expressing in imagery such erotic things. Because I mean, in elementary/high school your history classes don't necessarily cover these types of topics. I love proving that old image of mine wrong. I love finding out things that are omitted from history.
Ex-Libris of Sweet Snail
You can see alot more of his work and read a brief biography of Franz Von Bayros HERE
Also... Remember the movie Alien??
Well the guy who did a lot of the concept work and illustrations for that film HR Giger also indulged in erotic art. It's VERY interesting. I'm pretty infatuated with his work right now.
I LOVE this. It's SO beautiful.
I like her shape. The pelvic bone makes me happy. Egon Schiele did some similar pelvic bones.
SO creepy. So great.
This reminds me of Chet Zar
I find this hilarious. Would you really know what it is if the topic of this post isn't what it is? Interestinggg
I also discovered the "strange owl" Or at least that's what his scientific name means. They were only discovered in the 1970s and are apparently really rare.
It's an owl with....whiskers.. and he reminds me of an old man with that bald spot on top of his head with uncombed hair around the side...He's so perfect.
Read more HERE