So heres where I display an array of pictures that I've taken so far. Not totally in chronological order.
Seafood Gumbo In the Summer. YUM
Apparently my yard has become a haven for fungi. I'm not complaining though... I love taking pictures of all the mushrooomies.
So a professor of Gabby told her that when taking a beautiful photo always turn around because there's bound to possibly be an even better shot behind you. andddd he was right...
Yellow powdery mushroomies.
I intern at this talent agency/costume rental/boutique ..and while there these guys from Microsoft UK came by to get some costumes for a party they were having at Mardi Gras world. I happened to be on the computer working on some illustrations I had done and the guy asked me if I would go to the party and paint something while I was there. I did this in 5 hours. (drew it before hand though)
I went eat out with my family at this place that had this.....wonderful bear cat.
oh Louisiana.
Who says that digital cameras dont make beautiful accidents as well as film cameras!!! they lie!
again my little obsession with the plants here. I would have straightened and touched up this picture.. If I weren't lazy.
yeaaaaaah mushrooomiiieee
COLORADOOOOOO. I went visit wonderful Kris in Colorado and spent the week. We did a bunch of awesome stuff AND got to go to an AMAZING music festival which had an AWESOME lineup. oh yeah...
So TOOL played. and... I some how managed to squeeze my way to the centerish frontish because i'm stealthy and i have a vagina and guys aren't apt to fighting girls for front row. Actually I take that back. This one guy got pissed but then got un pissed.
One thing I'd like to mention before I go on with this story is that... I've met a good few people who talk about how shitty Tool fans are...and the funny thing about that is... I actually talked to and made friends with a number of Tool fans while awaiting this glorious show...where as at all of the other bands I watched.. I conversed with no one. so BAM!
back to the story. So all the anticipation in the crowd was all hot and ready for some live greatness that had been dormant for 7 years.... and I didn't quite grasp that... until as the music began to play I found myself in the frontish centerish right smack dab in the MIDDLE of a raging death mosh pit. My body was in a diagonal and not touching the ground very easily sooo thats when I decided it was time to skooch on out to the frontish sideish and NOT die by trample. and I unfortunately had to sacrafice my shoes. The end...of my shoes because I could only find one of them when it was all over. but... it was well worth it.
Adam Jones.
This was the second day after Thievery Corporation played. Colorado has the stranges storms.. although believe it or not it didn't storm at all there that day.
Because concert fever has not yet let go it's grasp on me... I went to see ZoSo at the Varsity with some really awesome people and had a great night.
This little fellow is named Amigo. Says so on the handle area. He lives at Walmart. I wonder if he has a cousin in South America called Friend.
His name is also Amigo and he lives in my car. Yes he is a real blowfish.
Ta Da!!!!!!